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CommDent at the APRU Global Health Program Conference 2017

The UPCD Department of Community Dentistry faculty members headed by the Department Chair, Dr. Jessica Rebueno attend the 2017 Association of Pacific Rim Universities APRU Global Health Program Conference. The event will be from October 16-19, 2017 and is hosted this year by the University of the Philippines.
(from apru.org) 

This year’s conference theme is “Environmental Exposures & Cancer in the Pacific Rim”, as a large proportion of the Pacific Rim’s cancer burden is related to environmental exposures, including indoor and outdoor air pollution, and occupational exposures. 
Dr. Curtis Harris, from the U.S. National Cancer Institute, will present a keynote on research on biomarkers of cancer. Two optional workshops will also be held on October 16th on substance abuse in the Philippines and migration in the Pacific Rim.
The conference will provide leading experts, practitioners, policy makers and early career researchers a critical platform to share latest research and knowledge in relation to prevention of cancer and other non-communicable diseases, environmental health and occupational health. The workshop will conclude with a field trip featuring the UP campus and highlights of Manila.
Read More: https://apru.org/partnering-on-solutions/global-health-program/item/953-2017-apru-global-health-conference