UPCD Traffic Flow Protocol Walk Through
Above is the UP College of Dentistry Walkthrough Video as part of our preparation for the Limited Face to Face classes for laboratory activities.
Our New Normal: Guide to UP College of Dentistry Walkthrough
Reminder: Wearing of face masks and face shields at all times is required for admission and will strictly be enforced inside the UP Manila Campus.
1. Prior to leaving your homes, access and accomplish the UPCD Health Monitoring and Contact Tracing Form through the QR code or through this link:
Take a screenshot and save it on your device as proof of submission of the form.
This shall be presented to the guard on every visit upon entering the UPCD building. If the form has not been filled out in advance prior to your visit, it may be done at the college entrance.
Access to the online forms are provided thru QR codes posted in the area.
If there is no internet access available, paper forms may be manually filled out and dropped in designated drop boxes.
2. UP Students and Employees are all required to register and login daily to UP Manila B.E.S.T.S (Bayanihan Na! Employee Symptoms Tracking System) through the link:
Accomplish the online form and submit your health status report upon entering the building. Submission of body temperature readings to the system will also be required upon exit.
Please note that Guests are not required to accomplish this online form.
3. Sanitize your hands before entering the building. Alcohol dispensers have been made available in the area.
4. Upon entering the college building, pause at the first foot path as marked, remove your face shield and face the thermal scanner. Wait for your reading to be announced before you can proceed.
5. Stop at the guard station and present the saved screenshot of your accomplished form.
After the guard’s approval, you may then proceed to your destination by strictly following the arrows for foot traffic.
6. For students, please be guided by the seat plans posted in the laboratory rooms. All are expected to strictly follow health and safety protocols at all times before, during and after each laboratory activity.
7. When leaving the college, all are required, again to strictly follow the foot traffic arrows. Sanitize your hands and take your temperature through the thermal scanner located near the exit. Before leaving the building, access B.E.S.T.S once again and input your latest body temperature reading.
Kindly take note of the following:
• Read the document entitled: ‘UP College of Dentistry Conduct of Limited Face to Face Resumption of Laboratory & Clinical Classes.’, which was previously emailed to you. This document contains pertinent details for your guidance and compliance.
• Read and follow the signages posted in various areas of the college and laboratory rooms.
• Group gathering is strictly prohibited. Observe the required 1.5 meters physical distancing at all times.
Students shall be allowed to enter the college 15 minutes before their classes begin.
If a student arrives early before class, she/he may stay at the designated waiting areas.
Eating is allowed only at the designated eating areas.
There are Marshals stationed at different areas of the college. Please respect and follow their instructions.
If you feel ill at any point during your stay in the college, please inform the Marshal or the Faculty member on duty in your class for proper implementation of the appropriate set of protocols.
"For the past months, UPCD has been preparing its facilities for limited face to face laboratory classes. The Dental Materials/Prostho, Resto-Endo, and Biochemistry Laboratories have all been equipped for safety of all staff, students, and faculty. Signages and markers have been placed on Corridors, walls, and floors, both in and out of the building, for everyone's guidance in compliance to new health protocols.
Our New Normal : UPCD Dental Materials and Prosthodontics Laboratory.
Our New Normal : UPCD Biochemistry Laboratory.
Our New Normal : UPCD Resto-Endo Laboratory
Health monitoring and contact tracing forms (both online and paper-based) have been set-up for those who will be coming in and out of the college. Walkthrough videos and short infomercials showing the new set-up and improvemts in the college have been prepared in order to give some guidance as the UPCD community slowly transitions to the “new normal”.
Dr. Bette Murjani (Over-all Coordinator)
Dr. Joy Memorando (Video and Additional text Content)
Dr. Marc Pilaspilas (Video Editor)
Ma'am Caye Paras-Ong (Video Subject)