Pursuant to and in full compliance with CHED-DOH Joint Memorandum Circular ( JMC ) No. 2021-001 on the Guideline on the Gradual Reopening of Campuses of Higher Education Institutions for Limited Face - to - face Classes During the COVID - 19 Pandemic , and CHED Memorandum Order ( CMO ) No. 3 Series of 2021 on the Guidelines on the Conduct of Preclinical and Clinical Dentistry Courses During the Pandemic Period, our College did renovations and retro - fitting , along with other preparations , not only of the facilities , but also of the provisions of the materials and supplies , etc. , needed for , and vis à vis the continuity of our students ' education and training .
After our submission of the application with the necessary documentations , the composite team of assessors headed by CHED Commissioner Aldrin Darilag , visited and inspected our facilities last July 2, 2021 .
The assessment of our preparations went well albeit some minor improvements and modifications recommended by the team . We are now working on the said recommendations and intending to submit the additional compliance to CHED on or before the end of this week . A Certificate of Authority from CHED is expected be issued , for us to proceed with the conduct of limited face - to - face classes during the midyear sessions and the First Semester of Academic Year 2021-2022 .
As a final note, Commisioner Darilag during the post - inspection conference , announced that they have found a model set - up for Dentistry , and stated that he will recommend the UP College of Dentistry to the CHED Chairperson , to become the model for Dentistry programs , for other dental schools in the country , to emulate in relation to the limited face - to - face preparations . That's about it at this juncture . Let us all hope for the best . God Bless us all and stay safe always.
Danilo L. Magtanong , DDM , MHPED , FPPS Dean