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UPCD Dean Michelle Segarra presents lecture at the Academy of Dentistry International USA

Our very own UPCD Dean Michelle S. Segarra presented her lecture: "Bioactivity in Dental Restorative Materials: Key to Minimally Invasive and Long-Lasting Restorations" at the Academy of Dentistry International -USA Section's 50th Anniversary Dental Education CE Symposium on Nov 8-9, 2024 held in San Antonio Texas, USA.

"...Truly an honor to lecture alongside Deans and former Deans of US universities and the Seoul National University. And to represent the University of the Philippines College of Dentistry." - Dean Segarra

In-depth lectures on dental education, AI in dentistry, digital workflow in dentistry as well as opportunity to exchange best practices, current problems and their solution in dental education and the future of dentistry. 


"The Academy of Dentistry International is the international honor society for dentists dedicated to sharing knowledge in order to serve the dental health needs and to improve the quality of life of people throughout the world. Through the development of fellowship and understanding, the Academy endeavors to create opportunities for service in order to assist in the establishment of a world at peace."

ADI Fellowship is a distinctive honor bestowed upon dentists who have contributed to society in one or more ways, such as service to the profession, public, country, community and mankind. The Academy, as a nonprofit organization, is dependent upon voluntary contributions, fellowship fees and annual membership dues to support its worldwide programs. (https://www.usa-adi.org/about-adi)

The Academy of Dentistry International recently celebrated its 50th Anniversary on November 8-9, 2024 in San Antonio Texas, USA with an International Continuing Education (CE) Symposium and Convocation for new fellows of the Academy.


#University of the Philippines Manila